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Hi! You've reached the home page of Ted Lizotte. I live in New Hampshire with my wife, Shelly, and have been calling square dances for over 35 years.
While I maintain many local lessons and events, I often travel Nationally and Internationally to many festivals and dance specials around the globe. It is a humbling experience I have yet to tire of. I call beginner dances and fun nights as well as the CALLERLAB approved programs of Basic thru C1. I have re-occurring dates as the Club Caller for:
Additionally, I am a CALLERLAB Accredited Caller Coach. This designation is currently only held by less than 30 callers in the world. As it says on the website "To be accredited, an applicant must demonstrate experience and pass rigorous written and oral testing. This program assures that accredited Coaches have both the knowledge and the experience to help you learn to call or to call better." Lastly, I am the owner/producer of 'Throw Back Tunes', a square dance music label. If you're looking for some square dance music, please take the time to check us out! Feel free to browse around the site. Hope you find some useful information along the way. If you have some specific square dance questions or are interested in contacting me to book a possible function please send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!! |